Mark Talbot volunteers to teach free computer classes at the Wells Branch Community Library. On Saturday morning, November 7, he taught "Computer Basics" to a full class of eleven (11) people! One person commented "[This class] covered really basic and important things to know to best use computers. What I really needed!!!" Another person said, "This program was very useful and [I] want to learn more."
Mark carefully prepares his lessons, and he teaches with kind enthusiasm. He creates practice exercises and helpful handouts. We appreciate his expertise!
I asked Mark to share a few comments about the classes:
"The computer classes could not be a success without the enthusiasm and willingness to learn that students bring to the library. Computers do not have to be intimidating and I find that by providing a little bit of assistance that patrons of the Wells Branch library are able to quickly learn basic computer skills. I would encourage anyone who thinks that they could never learn to use a computer to sign up for a class to learn more about using the Internet, creating a web page or expanding their job search. All of our classes (including the web page class) are designed with the beginning computer user in mind. Take each class as many times as you wish and I look forward to teaching classes next year."
Our computer classes will begin again after the holidays. Stay tuned for the library's calendar of free computer classes in 2010!